These are sorry pictures but you know how proud grandparents can be… We have baby bluebirds! My 2-3 year old Cannon PowerShot can only go so far with its telescopic lens and the close-up shot of the babies had uneven light. I didn’t want to hold the box open any longer than necessary to know if the babies had hatched, and I had no way to check focus – I could only guess at my aim. Of course, these pictures are cropped.
The babies that are most in focus look like they have egg yolk on them so they probably hatched today. There is a bit of fuzz on them but they are very pink. According to my book, Enjoying Bluebirds More,by Julie Zickefoose and published by Bird Watcher’s Digest, this means they just hatched today.
Proud Papa (or Mama)
Pictures and text copyright © 2008 by Janice Green

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