Bluebird babies

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Baby Bluebirds on Easter Sunday

A Ducker’s Adventures story After church today we peeked in the bluebird house. Here is me peeking in the hole but I couldn’t see much that way. I tried to peek in the hole but it was too dark to see inside. Mrs. Green said she would open the front of the birdhouse so we could see inside. Oh look! There are three baby birds in the nest. Two are facing us and the third is facing the back

Bluebird nest catchup time

The second baby bluebird hatched on June 22 which is unusual. Normally bluebirds don’t start incubating the eggs until all are laid so the babies will all hatch on the same day. Since South Carolina had some extremely hot weather about the time the Mama bird was laying eggs, I suspect incubation began immediately without the parent birds sitting on the nest. That would cause the eggs to hatch one a day because they are laid one a day.

Bluebirds are hatching

The baby bluebirds are hatching today. This is the first one. I want to go out and peek again, but I don’t want to risk causing problems. I know I’m missing a lot of chances to get some good pictures. This baby held its head up with its beak open but I wasn’t fast enough to get the picture that way. I’ll probably go back out a little later today and take a chance on it. It is so

Waiting for babies to fledge while convalescing

I sat and watched the mama and papa Bluebirds feed their babies for some time today. I was watching mostly to help them keep the Mocking Birds away. Every time I would see one in the yard I stormed out the door and yelled at it to go away. They have been really bad about harassing the Bluebirds and I’m afraid they will try to kill the babies when they fledge. They should fledge any day now. I’m also convalescing while I