Nicodemus went to see Jesus at night. Many use this scripture to describe Nicodemus as a coward. True, fear probably had everything to do with his decision to seek out Jesus in the cover of night.
But Nicodemus wasn’t an average citizen, he was a Pharisee. His co-workers and friends were Pharisees, and the Pharisees were rapidly turning against Jesus and looking to find a way to have him killed.
The fact that Nicodemus, in spite of all of this opposition to Jesus, still made the choice to seek him out should stand out as an act of courage, even if he went in secret. In countries around the world where Christians are persecuted, many Christians meet to worship in secret. These brave souls could hardly be described as cowards. Indeed, their efforts to gather in Christ’s name should be recognized as valiant.
How strong is your faith? Only a spiritual ostrich is unable to recognize the growing animosity against the Christian faith, even in the USA today. Years ago prayer was outlawed in schools. Gideons who used to pass out New Testament Bibles to fifth grade students are now forbidden to do so. New laws are being introduced every year which restrict what Christians can say and do in public places.
Will you have the courage to support your convictions when opposition comes to your doorstep, or will you cave under pressure? Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani in Iran is a great example to Christians around the world of courage against persecution. It upsets Christians to hear of other Christians who are being persecuted, and indeed we must pray for them and do what we can to help. But we must also remember that it was the persecution of Christians that caused Christianity to spread in Bible times. The same thing is happening today. Christianity is growing rapidly in the countries were Christians are being persecuted the most. This persecution gives the Christians the opportunity to prove their faith in powerful ways.
Father God, give me a faith that is real, strong, and true. May I never buckle under pressure and deny that I know you.

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