

Nicodemus – Cowardly or Courageous?

Nicodemus went to see Jesus at night. Many use this scripture to describe Nicodemus as a coward. True, fear probably had everything to do with his decision to seek out Jesus in the cover of night. But Nicodemus wasn’t an average citizen, he was a Pharisee. His co-workers and friends were Pharisees, and the Pharisees were rapidly turning against Jesus and looking to find a way to have him killed. The fact that Nicodemus, in spite of all of this

Daniel 1:15-17 Daniel and friends blessed by God

Daniel 1:15-17 (Click to read NIV or select your preferred translation of the Bible. Please read the scripture first.)   God honored Daniel’s courage and diplomacy. Daniel and his three friends were visibly healthier than the other young men who ate the king’s rich food and wine. They were allowed to continue eating their healthy diet and to honor God.   Not only did God bless their physical health for honoring him, he also blessed them with knowledge and understanding. Daniel was also given the gift