I’ve been watching the birdhouse very closely for the past three days knowing they could fledge any time. On Friday, April 29th I saw babies peek out the entrance hole in the birdhouse after being fed.


I watched the bluebird house from the time I got home from church today and well into the evening. I saw an adult from time to time, but not at the birdhouse feeding the babies, so I was fairly certain that the babies had fledged the nest, probably while we were at church.
I caught papa bluebird in the birdbath…



Considering that Papa Bluebird was more interested in the bath than in feeding babies, I assumed that the babies had probably already fledged, so I opened the birdhouse to look. Sure enough there were no birds left in the nest. I’ll empty it out in the next day or two. I understand that sometimes baby birds return to the nest at night to sleep. But I saw some large beetles under the nest, so I do need to empty it before they lay the next clutch of eggs. I do enjoy watching these beautiful birds.
Here is a link to All About Birds, a great website by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, NY.
The Creation, a Bible storybook for children by Janice D. Green

My daughter would go crazy over this! She just did a huge bird report in school and she chose to do the bluejay. She’s in love with them. So awesome!
Great pictures!
Thanks Christy! The bluebirds have been a lot of fun to watch.
What a beautiful bluebird, so fluffy and cute. We have some lovely birds on the path behind our house too, cardinals and other unusual types. It’s lovely to hear them in a morning.
We enjoy the birds all year round, but watching them nest and feed their young is the greatest treat of all.