Challenge your children to put on a talent show. Encourage them to sing, dance, and put on skits. If you only have one child, invite some friends and neighbors to share the event. And if you want to be part of the act, all the more fun – just don’t steal the show.
TV Turnoff Week is also a perfect time for your children to experiment with drawing, painting, and crafts. Set up a display of any art work they have created through the week or at other times. Experiment. Try something new.
My mother has a twin brother, and both families had five children. Talent shows were a regular feature when we got together. Some of the stunts we did were very simple, but we still get a laugh today when as senior citizens one of the cousins, remembering the earlier tradition, holds a towel in front of himself, lowers it to the floor, and slowly brings it back up while standing on one leg. To complete the magic trick, he lowers the towel again and raises it to reveal the leg was restored. A little music – singing a ditty – adds to the suspense of this “magic” trick.
The following web page has a large collection of skits written for Boy Scout activities. I encourage parents to screen the skits and print out those that are acceptable, as a few are tagged as possibly offensive. Scout Skits
The Creation, a Bible storybook for children by Janice D. Green

What great memories! I sure hope you get lots of comments regarding this, after spendig a week with 3 little ones, I learned a lot about kids activities and attention spans, etc. They certainly are more fun to be with, when the cartoons are off. (but, the cartoons were a great way to give the adults some time to R & R or get something done, too)
Thanks Terri. We did have fun with our talent shows didn’t we! I’m looking forward to my next chance to get with my grandchildren. Never enough opportunities it seems.
You and I have so much in common. I have taken tons of pics of a nest of Cardinals. If you don’t mind me borrowing your idea I’ll put them on my blog.
I am giving my daughter your site address. Her daughter and I went on a bird watching walk while I was there in MD. Binoculars for each of us. She has a bird watching kit.
The cardinals nest was in FL though so I could only show her pictures of them.
Great post about the birds and your most recent one came out real well. It’s a blessing.
Thanks Marlene. I got the opportunity to take pictures of a pair of osprey bringing food to their young on top of a power lines tower earlier this week. I hope to post it soon with an article. It will go up on Facebook sooner, so look for it there as well.