Tales from the Kid in Me

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School Pictures – Bad Hair Day

 Never, never ask your mom to cut your hair the night before school pictures. School pictures can be angst or fun With memories of joy or regrets. You wore your nice dress, gave a big smile For one captured moment, your best. But sometimes those moments Were less than sublime Sometimes they captured A miserable time When you tried to create What wasn’t there I pleaded and begged “Mom, please cut my hair.” I want my hair cut Just like Sara Grace All nice and smooth Every hair in its place. “But I don’t know how,” My

My experiment

I don’t get it about boys. Especially Russell and Tom and Otto. Miss VanDuyne always has to call them down and make them stop talking in class. How can they just blurt out stuff like that all the time? I would be too scared to say anything without raising my hand first. Sure, I get checks on my report card for “Whispers too much,” but to talk out loud like that is strange. That’s what I was thinking when I thought

A new year in school

There is always something about a new year in school. It’s like getting a fresh start – a new teacher and a chance to make new friends. When we moved I was the new girl in my class. My first new friend was Shirley because our desks were side by side and touching each other. I pulled one of my hairs from out of my head and tickled her hand with it. Shirley would just grin. She was a good

Dandelions: Day 3 How to make a dandelion chain

At last! Today the dandelions were open when I didn’t have to be in school. Here are some dandelions I could pick, but I waited for the bee to fly away first. (Bees are my friends. They help vegetables grow.) Here is how to make a dandelion chain:               Pick a flower. Use your thumbnail to cut a slit in