Tales from the Kid in Me

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My kitten Inky

     Here is a picture of me holding Inky.  My sister, Joan is holding her kitten. We called her kitten Crybaby because it cried a lot. My Daddy took this picture.      I love kittens! When we moved to the farm where grandma and grandpa used to live and where Daddy grew up, there were always lots of cats and kittens. One time I counted as many as fourteen!       What I really liked was to find

Football is for boys

     Once I lived across the street from a boy in my class. He had a younger sister, and sometimes I went to his house to play with her. One day I got my courage up and knocked on his door. When he answered I just said, “Do you want to play?” To my surprise he said yes. It was pretty cold out, so we stayed in the house and played tic tac toe and drew pictures and stuff like that. We had fun so I

What I learned about spankings

     When I was a really little kid like three or four maybe, I learned something about getting a spanking.  I did something that was wrong, but I forgot  what it was now.  But Mama caught me doing whatever it was–probably something she told me not to do.  She picked up a plastic hairbrush off her dresser and looked at me with that look–you know what I mean, the one that means you’re in trouble now.  She said, “Come here,