Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.. Proverbs 14:34 What an appropriate verse for our Independence Day weekend. Our nation began with a group of people who valued righteousness enough to sail across the ocean and start a new life in a land that would allow them to worship God according to their own consciences. Others crossed the ocean for varied reasons, but the very words of our Declaration of Independence and our US Constitution
Disclaimer: I take no credit for the writing of this post. I have simply cut and pasted it from an email into my blog. But I agree, we as a nation must get on our knees and pray over the upcoming election like never before. 2 Chronicles 7:14 ONE MINUTE EACH NIGHT…. This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever faced. From the looks of the polls, the Christians aren’t voting Christian values. We all need to be