Janice D Green

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Honeycomb Adventures Books in three formats

Why are Honeycomb Adventures Books published in three different formats? Because all readers aren’t alike. All three books have the same content with the exception of the puzzles which couldn’t be included in the e-books, and all three contain the link to the free downloadable PDF file with coloring pages and puzzles. Here is the breakdown:

August 2020 – Book Launch Month!

Jonah: The Fearful Prophet and The Creation in all their different styles (formats) have been patiently waiting for a launch date. The files are up and all are available for purchase on Amazon. We have been through quite a learning process together with several roadblocks along the way, but persistence has paid off and they are pestering me to say “Go”or “Launch” or whatever else I’m supposed to say and do. We are all itching to

Excitement around the corner – a peek at the covers

Six new books awaiting their Launch Date. Ready for purchase on Amazon.com now, though I’m still working on promotional materials. Look for several posts to appear over the next couple of weeks telling you more about these special books. Here is a sneak peak at the covers: Jonah: The Fearful Prophet Same basic content available in three formats: Coloring book, full color picture book, or full color e-book

Frog egg tea – fun with chia seeds

What boys wouldn’t be intrigued with the idea of frog egg stew, or tea, or . . . ? I’ve known very few boys who didn’t enjoy at least teasing about “greasy grimy gopher guts” or other such concoctions. Even girls join in the fun as long as it is in a song. I learned the gopher gut song in Girl Scouts many years ago. So if you know of some adventurous kids who like fun, offer them some frog egg

The Days of Creation – for VBS

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” There is little variance if any between the different Bible translations on the first sentence in the book of Genesis. God’s creation marks the beginning of time and existence. What did God create and how? Scientists and theologians carry on an endless passionate debate over matters that cannot be verified by direct human observation. I don’t claim extensive knowledge in science, but I do have a deep seated love for