Honeycomb Adventures Press LLC

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August 2020 – Book Launch Month!

Jonah: The Fearful Prophet and The Creation in all their different styles (formats) have been patiently waiting for a launch date. The files are up and all are available for purchase on Amazon. We have been through quite a learning process together with several roadblocks along the way, but persistence has paid off and they are pestering me to say “Go”or “Launch” or whatever else I’m supposed to say and do. We are all itching to

The Days of Creation – for VBS

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” There is little variance if any between the different Bible translations on the first sentence in the book of Genesis. God’s creation marks the beginning of time and existence. What did God create and how? Scientists and theologians carry on an endless passionate debate over matters that cannot be verified by direct human observation. I don’t claim extensive knowledge in science, but I do have a deep seated love for

God’s Gift by Lee Ann Mancini, illustrated by Dan Sharp

■ God’s Gift ■ Author: Lee Ann Mancini ■ Publisher: GLM Publishing ■ ISBN-10: 0-9863-6049-x ■ ISBN-13: 978-0-9863-6049-7 ■ SRP: $16.99 ■ Reviewed By: Janice Green Rating: A book designed to help children respect and embrace their differences, Lee Ann Mancini in God’s Gift creates a delightful tale of two sea creatures who wrestle with the differences between Christmas and Hanukkah. Children will love the magical setting in the coralhood where the sea kids help decorate their caves for the holiday season. Christian, a young sea turtle,

February 24 honeybee swarm

My guests came in a swarm

Welcome though unexpected visitors to the birthday party! Friday, February 24th was the first official birthday of Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC, and to celebrate I offered birthday cake to anyone who came by. I didn’t expect a crowd as it was only a simple last-minute way to celebrate a first milestone. A swarm of honeybees was certainly not a part of my original plan for the day. But there they were, hanging on a low branch of a Camelia bush

The Creation

Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC is official today

Today is a landmark day for me. My new business name, Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC, has been approved and is now official. Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC will be the publisher for my upcoming book, The Creation, and more Bible storybooks as they are developed. Why “Honeycomb?” Because God’s Word is sweeter than honey from the comb. Psalm 19:10 is only one of many verses that makes the connection between honey and scriptures. Why “Adventures?” Because reading God’s Word is like reading