
February 24 honeybee swarm

My guests came in a swarm

Welcome though unexpected visitors to the birthday party! Friday, February 24th was the first official birthday of Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC, and to celebrate I offered birthday cake to anyone who came by. I didn’t expect a crowd as it was only a simple last-minute way to celebrate a first milestone. A swarm of honeybees was certainly not a part of my original plan for the day. But there they were, hanging on a low branch of a Camelia bush

Bees or Yellowjackets? There is a difference!

  I received a phone call from a neighbor today who was upset about the number of “bees” that were swarming all over her cedar tree. When I went to see the “bees” I discovered that they were not bees but they were yellowjackets, and they were all over her cedar tree foraging for the sweetness in the sap of the tree. There is a distinct difference between honeybees and yellowjackets. Honeybees are fuzzy and their color is usually orange and brown and