good deeds

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Proverbs 3:13-18 Wisdom – better than gold & silver

Proverbs 3:13-18  Click on this link to read the passage. You may select your preferred version of the Bible after the link opens. The world today puts great value on wealth and power. Unfortunately, even our churches give in to this kind of small thinking and give leadership roles to those who have “proven themselves” in the world. Out the window goes faith and even honor in too many instances. But the true student of the Bible will come up

James 3:13-16 Wisdom and deeds – 2 kinds

James 3:13-16 Click on this link to read the passage. You may select your preferred version of the Bible after the link opens. What prompts people to do good deeds? Politicians often do good deeds to gain recognition and votes. Businessmen make great donations to get tax write-offs. Some people want to be seen doing good deeds so they will make a good impression on others. Deeds done out of selfish ambition or envy are futile attempts to appease others,