

God made the sky – Day 2

On the second day God separated the waters and created the sky. It requires a little imagination to try to figure out what these verses mean. We may still not get it exactly right, but that’s OK too. God didn’t give us these verses to burden or confuse us, they were intended to give us understanding. I’m left with these questions: Did God take just enough of the water mass to make the earth, leaving the rest to make everything

In the Beginning – Day 1

The First Day “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” At first glance this seems like an introductory statement to the creation story, but the book of Genesis continues to describe this initial stage of creation. Everything was darkness and void, and God’s spirit hovered over the waters. We tend to jump past these first two verses and say that light was the first thing God created. But before he created the light he created the deep water mass

My books are here

My books finally arrived. Jack Allen of Old Dominion Freight Lines made the delivery. Checking out the final product and loving it. My books came today. I’m dancing on the ceiling. This is a dream come true for me. I couldn’t wait to open a carton of books and examine a copy. They are everything I hoped they would be. Of course I had to get a picture of me with all my boxes. Now to move on with marketing the books…   Putting