

Lifted up by an amazing all powerful God

What do you do when you get discouraged? Throw a pity party? I’ve been in one of those moods recently and during my morning Bible reading it occurred to me I was not spending time in personal praise and worship of God. So starting with “praise and worship” as my search terms I called on YouTube to supply some sing-along praise songs to help me out. Here are a few of my finds for your listening pleasure, or better

Luke 6:21b, Matthew 5:4 Blessed are you who weep (mourn)

Luke 6:21b, Matthew 5:4  Click on these links to read the passage. You may select your own version of the Bible after the link opens. How can we be blessed when we cry? In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus says that those who cry now will laugh in the future. Matthew’s account in 5:4 says that mourners will be comforted. Jesus promises over and over that there will come a day when everything will be turned upside down. We

Psalm 119:25-32 From despair to joy

Psalm 119:25-32 (Click to read NIV or select your preferred translation of the Bible. Please read the scripture first.) We are about to begin a study of Josiah, the boy king. I believe this Psalm was selected for today’s scripture because it reflected so well the barrenness of the spiritual condition of the Jewish nation when Josiah began his reign. This passage would not only have encouraged Josiah in Bible times, it is written for us today as well. Perhaps you are at