

Family Advent Wreath

A great way to keep Christ in Christmas is to make and use a family Advent Wreath. The Advent Wreath lies flat on a table. Nested in the circular wreath are four purple candles (or three purple and one pink) and usually one white candle in the center. There is a ceremony that goes with the lighting of the candles, with one candle to be lit on each Sunday in Advent (starting four weeks before Christmas.) The four candles stand

Do we know what we are celebrating?

I enjoy the lights and color of the Christmas season and will often go out of my way to view the Christmas lights that various families display on their homes and lawns.  But in spite of the sparkle and glitter, I am finding a hollow place in my spirit when I look for the reason people are celebrating.  I haven’t dared to start a tally sheet to keep up with the overall themes of each display, but I find I

Christmas Eve musings

It’s Christmas Eve.  I hear a lot of firecrackers from every direction in our neighborhood.  I lament that most of the Christmas decorations in people’s front lawns have little or nothing to do with the baby Jesus.  I have truly enjoyed participating in various activities leading up to Christmas–decorating the church, practicing for the choir Christmas program, I even helped make my own opportunity to go Christmas caroling this year, something that is almost a thing of the past.  This evening