Backyard VBS

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Backyard VBS – The Creation

Here is another alternative VBS idea for parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, or friends and neighbors to consider  for creating a mini backyard VBS program. Use The Creation to share with children who may have already been playing together safely. Outdoors is the safest place to play when we have to be concerned with the Covid-19 virus. One or more canopy tents would be beneficial for shade and/or shelter if it should rain. A coloring page is available for each creation day in the downloadable

Backyard VBS – Jonah: The Fearful Prophet

Here is an alternative VBS program that parents (or grandparents, aunts, and uncles, or other friends and neighbors) can create using Jonah: The Fearful Prophet. Find below a wealth of ideas to pull together a mini backyard VBS program to share with children who may have already been playing together safely during this Covid-19 pandemic. Outdoors is the safest place to play when we have to be concerned with the Covid virus. One or more canopy tents would be beneficial for