

Write2Ignite! 2014 Conference

My blog posts are traditionally written with the hope that parents and grandparents will read them and be encouraged in one way or another to be advocates for the well-being of the children God has entrusted to them. But every now and then I choose to write about my walk as a writer. Today’s post is about the only writing conference I know, that like parents and grandparents who care about children, puts its total emphasis on training

Children’s Author Blog Hop

What is a blog hop? I had to ask Carol Baldwin this question when she offered to add me to the Children’s Author Blog Hop she had been tagged in. I learned that a blog hop is a way author/bloggers can help promote one another and share a little from their writing experience. Carol tagged me at the end of her blog last week, and I in turn have tagged three more bloggers at the end of this post. I

Blogging Blues – Slump or just needing time to re-group?

I’m a person with big ideas… I had hoped to finish a set of illustrations and devotions for a 6-12 day mini-Advent series for children and parents to read together and post them here and/or on my Bible Quilts blog. But Christmas isn’t the time of year to try to accomplish such a major project. I completed only two of the quilt blocks so far, the second completed the day after Christmas. Around the first of November I accepted the responsibility

Writing Family Keepsakes

My mother and her twin brother will turn 94 in about three weeks. The way people live have changed so much in those 94 years that it is a wonder their heads aren’t spinning. Children today know so little about what life used to be like. They are so caught up with today’s gadgets and latest toys that it is probably harder for them to imagine what it was like 94 years ago than it is for my mom