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Psalm 8 Standing in Awe of God’s Creation

The whole earth bears witness to its Creator.  The Grand Canyon photo copyright by David L. Green If this video doesn’t put you in the spirit of praising God… http://www.andiesisle.com/creation/magnificent.htm I know a few people who have problems believing in a God who can’t be proven through scientific evidence. But they must acknowledge that God can’t be disproved through scientific evidence either. For anyone to say there is no God, they must be able to claim they have visited and

This Summer’s Must-Read Non-Fiction (book review by Kathryn Frazier)

My friend, Kathryn Frasier, just posted in her Facebook notes something I wish I had written. With her permission I am posting it here for my readers. What a great book for summer (or anytime) reading! This Summer’s Must-Read Non-Fiction (book review by Kathryn Frazier) I just finished this summer’s must-read nonfiction: true stories of ordinary men and women of faith whose lives intertwined with abusive priests and religious hypocrites. The book opens with a depressed woman, scorned because she does not live up

Make a Field Guide for Your Yard

When these twin flowers drop off, a little pot with two tops is left behind where the seeds develop. I must confess… I stole this idea along with the title from the National Wildlife Federation blog, but it was way too good not to share it with my readers. Here is their post with some great ideas for making your own family’s field guide:  http://www.nwf.org/en/News-and-Magazines/National-Wildlife/Outdoors/Archives/2010/Field-Guide-Backyard.aspx If you have a digital camera, an online computer, and a printer

Tipsy planting fun

Make a flowerpot tower with your children. For fun in the flower garden or yard, make a tipsy flowerpot tower with your children. If you have more than one child, you could assign flower pots as appropriate. Though I haven’t made one yet, I’m eager to try it. Jean Fischer brought this to my attention today via. Facebook. The picture is of the tipsy flowerpot tower she made. Jean offered this website for directions on how to build the tipsy flowerpot