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Creation or Evolution – What IS the big deal?

The Creation coloring pages by Nancy Gordon In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This is the first sentence of the first book in the Bible. It is the most important sentence in the whole creation account – God created everything, the world didn’t create itself. Why is it important for people to recognize God as Creator? Because without God, life has little value. We become accidents with no purpose. The life of an endangered snail becomes more important

Advent Calendar Ideas

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are now behind us. There are 29 days until Christmas is here. How do we decide what is important and what is not as this holy day approaches? What message will our children read between the lines as they watch us get ready for this special day – this is where they will get their clues about what is truly important to you. If our total focus is on gift buying, festive parties, and extravagent decorations,

Children’s Literature for Thanksgiving

Everybody knows that Thanksgiving Day is set aside to reflect on those things we are thankful for, and everyone knows it is time to throw a great feast. But do we remember the events that lead up to the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims in 1621? As Christians we will be wise to make the special effort to become familiar with this story and to teach it to our children. I say this because there are those who minimize

Tips for Mom’s with school children

As a grandmother who, outside of Skype visits, seldom gets to spend time with her grandchildren, it is hard to blog about raising children. Today I came across an article on the Internet that I believe will help school mom’s to keep up with their children’s school assignments and all those school papers – the one’s to sign and return, the ones to save, and the ones to treasure forever. Check out this blog post by Kat Lee: 

Getting ready for a new school year

Do you have a child who is getting ready for her first day of school? That can be an exciting or a scary time for a child depending upon their temperament and personality. Perhaps your child isn’t just beginning school for the first time, but he is going to a new school or even in a new town or city if the family has moved during the summer. One of the first things that comes to my mind is the