God’s Creation

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Prayer Walk

I went for a prayer walk this morning around the Hemingway Campground. This is a location that is rich in its spiritual history. Hemingway Campground was begun in 1961 when campmeetings were more plentiful and many came to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord in these holy places. Hemingway Campground still holds an annual campmeeting, though the attendance is slow in comparison to what it was in the earlier years. Times are so different today than it was then. We

We have babies!

These are sorry pictures but you know how proud grandparents can be… We have baby bluebirds! My 2-3 year old Cannon PowerShot can only go so far with its telescopic lens and the close-up shot of the babies had uneven light. I didn’t want to hold the box open any longer than necessary to know if the babies had hatched, and I had no way to check focus – I could only guess at my aim. Of course,

Constantly amazed with the birds

I just have to say I’m constantly amazed at the number of different kinds of birds we have around our house and yard. Yesterday I saw another first for me–the Summer Tanager. It is a totally red bird–the color is almost psychedelic. At first I thought it was a cardinal but the color was a little different with no black around the beak and no crest on its head. Its wings were barely darker than the rest of its body

Bluebird eggs in nest – picture

I took my camera with me today to get a picture and an exact count on the number of eggs in the nest. There are five eggs. This means the last egg would have been laid on the 17th so they could hatch as early as April 30. I found a great site for bird lovers to learn about birds of all kinds. It is maintained by Cornell and has so much information including live nest cams that constantly monitor

Mockingbirds and bluebirds defending their territories

In two previous years we have had mockingbirds to nest in our grape arbor. They can be very territorial and agressive and would dive-bomb us if we got too close to their nest. I had already decided that if they nested in the arbor again I would remove the nest because we want to be able to enjoy our arbor and tend to the flowers and plants that are growing on it. Now that the bluebirds have begun nesting in the bluebird