Bible Bites 4 Teens

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Jesus helps us bear fruit

Do you ever find it hard to do what is right, even though you know what you should do? Perhaps a friend wants you to steal some candy from a store. Or maybe several classmates are making fun of someone. Will you join them or stick up for the child they are laughing at? Jesus once lived on earth just like us. He knows what it is like to be around people who would try to get us to do bad

Bearing fruit for Jesus (Luke 3:8)

Do you have friends who wear a WWJD bracelet? The letters stand for “What Would Jesus Do?” People wear these bracelets to remind themselves to think of what Jesus would do when they are tempted to do somthing they shouldn’t. This is a good way to remind yourself to think about Jesus when friends want you to do bad things. Do you think the bracelet always works? What if you saw someone who was wearing a WWJD cheat on a test or take

Finding my way

You are getting your gear together to go on a camping trip. You have your clothes, your sleeping bag… What else will you need? Did you remember a flashlight so you can see to walk around at night? Does your flashlight have fresh batteries? There were no flashlights in Bible times. Instead they used oil lamps to see at night. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (NIV) What does this verse mean?” The

How can we know?

Jesus said to them: “Watch out that no one deceives you. Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many. (Mark 13:5-6 NIV) Has anyone ever told you a lie and you believed them?  There is a picture book by Evaline Ness called Sam Bangs and Moonshine. In this story a little boy named Thomas believed a lie that an older girl called “Sam” told him. She said he could find her baby kangaroo out

Some really old people!

How old does somebody have to be to be old? 40 years? 50 years? 70 years? 90? over 100? It’s funny, but when I was a little girl I thought 30 and 40 was old. But when I reached 30 I didn’t think it was old at all. I kept on having more birthdays until now I think 90 is old. The Bible says the first people God created got much older than people do today. Adam lived to be 930 years old