Family Activities

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Explore your library with your child

When is the last time you explored the library with your children? Books are a great alternative to watching TV, and if shared with the family you can grow together and have greater control over the content than you can ever get with television. Take a trip to the library and share the books you loved as a child. Let them show you their favorites. If you don’t run out of time from all the sharing, you will want to look

TV Turnoff Week – plan ahead for success

A great goal for the week of April 18-24, 2011: Turn off your TV (and computers, single player electronic games, and cell phones?) and spend some quality time with your family. To maximize the potential for a successful experience parents are encouraged to plan ahead a little. Otherwise it may be difficult not to give in when children demand to turn on the TV or other electronic devices. Here are a few basic items to have on hand. Board games appropriate for

April Fools Opportunities

Your best chance at pulling off an April Fools trick is early in the morning. (I’ve already missed out on that… I should have written this yesterday.)  If it isn’t too late for you already, try putting food coloring in your children’s breakfast food – green eggs and ham or purple milk… Maybe you could roll up socks and put them in the toes of their shoes. The best part of pulling this off is that you can give your kids

Weather Watching with kids

How easy it is to take weather for granted. Haven’t we all been caught off-guard on occasion when we opened the door to leave for work and discovered we should have dressed warmer… or cooler… or planned time to defrost the car’s windshield? Our children can get caught off-guard in the same way. In this day of easy access to information parents can create some meaningful and mutually useful family time by making a weekly weather calendar with their children. A