
Home/Janice D. Green

About Janice D. Green

Janice D. Green, wife, mother, and grandmother, retired after over 20 years in the public school system, most which were as an elementary librarian, with a goal to write Christian children's books. Her most recent releases are Jonah: The Fearful Prophet and The Creation (second edition) which are both published in three different formats. Janice's passion is to write about the Bible in a way that encourages people to want to know more and to read it for themselves. She also quilts and hopes to inspire families and youth groups to create Bible quilts for children.

Plant a garden

Children enjoy watching seeds grow. If it isn’t warm enough to plant outdoors yet, plant seeds indoors in trays for transplanting later. Homegrown plants usually perform as well as or better than greenhouse plants. So what shall we plant? Some easy flowers to plant from seed are sunflowers, cosmos, zinnias, and marigolds to name a few. Or perhaps you might prefer to grow vegetables like beans, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers and melons. If you like to watch butterflies, plant some parsley with

Explore your library with your child

When is the last time you explored the library with your children? Books are a great alternative to watching TV, and if shared with the family you can grow together and have greater control over the content than you can ever get with television. Take a trip to the library and share the books you loved as a child. Let them show you their favorites. If you don’t run out of time from all the sharing, you will want to look

Were you there?

The words of a Negro Spiritual I learned as a youth go “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” The song describes the cruelty Jesus encountered step by step when he was crucified. It isn’t easy to truly think about the crucifixion in detail. We like the cleaned up versions found in children’s storybooks better than reality. Somewhere in my recent activities it occurred to me that I needed to spend more time in the presence of that sacred moment when Jesus