
Home/Janice D. Green

About Janice D. Green

Janice D. Green, wife, mother, and grandmother, retired after over 20 years in the public school system, most which were as an elementary librarian, with a goal to write Christian children's books. Her most recent releases are Jonah: The Fearful Prophet and The Creation (second edition) which are both published in three different formats. Janice's passion is to write about the Bible in a way that encourages people to want to know more and to read it for themselves. She also quilts and hopes to inspire families and youth groups to create Bible quilts for children.

Flower Doll from Althea Rose of Sharon

An easy to make flower doll One of my earliest memories of life on our Indiana farm was of my aunt showing me how to make a doll from the flower of the Althea bush growing in the front yard. The petals made a lovely long dress and the doll’s head was the unopened bud of another flower. While visiting my husband’s family I noticed the same flowers blooming all around and took advantage of the opportunity to make a

Proofs arrive!

FedEx employee, James Garland, brings the proofs to The Creation for me to examine. Oh joy, oh joy! The proofs arrived and are awesome. I forwarded them to Larry Carpenter of Christian Book Services for final approval. I can’t wait for the books to be printed and in bookstores. It rained today. Some might think that a bad omen, but we needed that rain so desperately. To me this is showers of blessing, and I feel blessed indeed. I pray these

Beat the Heat with frozen snacks

Looking for easy frozen snacks the kids can help make? Here are three: Cookies and Ice Cream Cake Buy a bag of your favorite cookies, the bigger the better, and a container of ice cream – whatever kind will go best with the cookies you picked. Soften the ice cream just enough so you can spread it, and spread a layer of ice cream in the bottom of a loaf pan. Then spread a layer of ice cream on a cookie, add

Unleavened Bread

Exodus 12:1-30 The first Passover Unleavened bread – not Kosher, but as close as I could come to how I think the Israelites might have made it the night of the first passover. I am getting ready for Bible school. The lesson for the first day is about the first Passover and includes making fake unleavened bread with some homemade play dough. Since my husband and I enjoy not only making bread, but grinding our own grain, I have