Janice D. Green

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About Janice D. Green

This author Janice D. Green has created 321 entries.

Sudoku Challenge

I enjoy playing the game Sudoku. It stimulates my brain to improve observation and logic skills and helps me to feel smart when it seems hard to convince others that I am. (tongue in cheek) The drawback of working Sudoku is that it can be a lonely pastime. Thinking along these lines I put my mind to work to come up with a way to share puzzles and turn them into games to be played with friends. Since my husband and

Hebrews 3:7-9 Do not harden your hearts

Hebrews 3:7-9 Click on this link to read the passage. You may select your preferred version of the Bible after the link opens. My heart aches over the lack of belief in God that has become rampant in our nation today. Sadly, all it takes to keep some from believing is to hear another laugh at those who believe. It isn’t hard to find the statistics to show this waning belief, even from within our most evangelical Christian churches. It’s

Feather shower

Yesterday I was sitting on my front step watching a kitten scout out everything that moved in my flower bed while my husband gathered grapes from our grape arbor. An occasional sprinkle on my bare arms teased that it might rain, so I looked up at the sky. What I saw coming down was feathers, a dozen or more. I then did an instant replay and in my mind heard the echo of a bird squawk that had been heard only

Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 When to turn a deaf ear

Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 Click on this link to read the passage. You may select your preferred version of the Bible after the link opens. This verse tells us not to pay attention to every word people say to us. Does that mean we don’t have to listen to anything people tell us? Of course not. The key to understanding this verse is the word “every.” As in all of life, we are expected to exercise discernment over what we believe

I found another favorite book

I found another favorite book  (of which I’ve quite a plenty) You say it’s written for the kids Well, I’m just three (times twenty)… What could have inspired me to write this little poem? It’s none other than the book I Heard a Bluebird Sing: Children Select Their Favorite Poems by Aileen Fisher. This collection of poems is adorable. Aileen Fisher certainly has the gift of seeing the world through the eyes of the child and sharing new discoveries. It is a must read