Bonnie Rose Hudson – The Creation (second edition) 

Home/Reviews, The Creation (second edition)/Bonnie Rose Hudson – The Creation (second edition) 

Great Book to Share with Kids

This is a great book to share with your children. The Creation story as retold by Janice Green shares the Creation account in a lovely way that is explained so that children can understand. It also includes questions to help encourage kids to think about what is happening and to connect it with what they know about the world around them. It also includes a gentle introduction to science and can help launch many discussions. There are bonus activities and puzzles included, and you can even find instructions on how to make a Bible quilt using images from the book. It’s a wonderful resource for all children.

*I received a review copy of this book in exchange for an impartial review.


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Bonnie Rose Hudson – The Creation (second edition) 

children's author and Executive Editor of, the curriculum site of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine®Bonnie Rose