Make a crayon-colored Bible quilt

Home/Bible Quilts, Family Activities, Jonah, The Creation, Youth activity/Make a crayon-colored Bible quilt
Images from Jonah: The Fearful Prophet

Honeycomb Adventures books are designed with crayon-colored Bible quilts in mind. All pictures are square and available in PDF coloring pages downloads given in each book to make it easy to copy the drawings to cotton fabric, then color with CrayolaTM crayons on 100% cotton. Press the colored pages between paper towels to remove excess wax and set the colors. Then use the colored quilt blocks to make your quilt.

The goal of HAP is to provide a great variety of pictures so that a quilt top can include several stories. Find more details on Bible quilt making and keep up with our progress on making Bible quilt pictures available by following our sister page, Bible Quilts.


Images from The Creation



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Janice D. Green, wife, mother, and grandmother, retired after over 20 years in the public school system, most which were as an elementary librarian, with a goal to write Christian children's books. Her most recent releases are Jonah: The Fearful Prophet and The Creation (second edition) which are both published in three different formats. Janice's passion is to write about the Bible in a way that encourages people to want to know more and to read it for themselves. She also quilts and hopes to inspire families and youth groups to create Bible quilts for children.

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