Jonah, The Fearful Prophet is nearly ready to go to Ethiopia. It has been translated into Amharic by Henok Estifanos, and the coloring pages are in process so they too can be downloaded in Amharic. The files are almost completed. The books will be printed in Ethiopia. I am currently seeking funds to print 100 copies. This book is our trial run. Plans are to give the books free or at minimal cost to children in low income areas and to also market them in the larger cities through church bookstores. If all goes well, we will also translate and publish The Creation and Baby Jesus . . . Messiah! I hope additional books will follow.
Henok Estifanos has translated projects for several ministries including Derek Prince Ministries. When I asked them about his work they were very complimentary and enthusiastic for our project. He has also translated for DCI Global Connections and other Christian ministries. Honeycomb Adventures Press is super excited for this opportunity to serve as a “Digital Missionary” to Ethiopia through its Bible storybooks.
Here are two pictures of Henok giving books to children at two of the missions near him.

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