Beeline Press was my beginning point in self-publishing as I wrote some books for my family. I first wrote the book, This is Your Life, Paul E. Ducker, when my father turned 90. I had originally created an unpublished web page on my computer to share with his guests when they came to celebrate his birthday. But I too late realized that people wanted to talk to Dad, not look at anything I had on a computer. In only a few months my father began to quickly decline, so much that even he would not be able to sit up and look at the web files on his computer.
When I realized how quickly he was declining, I looked online for a possible way to put the material into a book that he could hold and read. That was when I found So, I hurriedly re-formatted everything as a single book file, added more material, and uploaded a file into the Lulu website. I ordered one copy to be sent to his home address and traveled to Tennessee to visit him in the hospital. I printed out one copy on paper and carried it with me in a notebook.
This Is Your Life, Paul E. Ducker arrived in Tennessee a day or two after I did. My father was so impressed with the book he showed it off to everyone who came into his room. He also made edits in my notebook copy so I could continue to work on the book and add more material. He never saw the revised edition, but I will always cherish the memory of his excitement over having a book written about himself.
The next project came about soon enough when my mother turned 90 two years later. She had a twin brother, so with many cousins on board to share memories and other snippets of information we put together another book called The Twins Paul and Pauline, their First Ninety Years.
I wrote several other smaller picture books for my family during this period including Exploring the Aquarium with Grandma and Grandpa for my grandchildren.
Meanwhile a neighbor, Dixie Powers, approached me about helping her publish her poems in a book. Shortly after From the Heart of Dixie was published an article appeared in the local weekly newspaper about her book, .
Al Erwin saw that article and approached me about publishing a book for him about his bi-polar son who had been missing for over 10 years. His book was published as I’m a Free Man.
In 2021 Beeline Press officially became an imprint of Honeycomb Adventures Press so the unused ISBN numbers could be used for books being published by Honeycomb Adventures Press.
Beeline Press is not actively publishing books. However, I am willing to work with individuals who would like to create family-oriented books under the Beeline Press imprint. I believe family books are valuable keepsakes for grandchildren and future generations.

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