Why do I choose to write about the prophet Jonah when so many naysayers want to dismiss the account as a fictional story? My answer is fairly simple—because Jesus believed it. In Matthew 12:40 Jesus said, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” The same God who raised Jesus from the dead rescued Jonah from near death in the belly of a huge fish or whale.
Honeycomb Adventures Books are written to promote faith in the Scriptures as they are written. These Bible events are written as fully as possible so that even parents can learn from them, yet they are written in a style that makes for easy reading or listening for children.
Jonah: The Fearful Prophet will draw children into the story as they gain an understanding of why Jonah ran away from God, and what it took to bring him to accept God’s directive to go to Nineveh and preach to the people. It will also help them understand that God gives us second chances and that he cares for all people, including those who least deserve it.
Check out some great ideas for using Jonah: The Fearful Prophet for your own Backyard VBS with the children you love.

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