Jonah: The Fearful Prophet and The Creation in all their different styles (formats) have been patiently waiting for a launch date. The files are up and all are available for purchase on Amazon. We have been through quite a learning process together with several roadblocks along the way, but persistence has paid off and they are pestering me to say “Go”or “Launch” or whatever else I’m supposed to say and do. We are all itching to get going! So we’ve decided to call August 2020 our Launch Month!
Several posts have been waiting for their chances to be read. Watch for them as each give insights to why these books were chosen first, and how to make the best use of them with children of all ages.
A few extra puzzle activities dance around in my mind to add to the fun. Watch for them.
I encourage you to share my posts again and again to extend my reach into the hearts of children and their families. We all need to know more about the Bible, and these books are beginning steps in that direction. Pray more books like these will follow in the near and distant future.
Please bear with us concerning the delays you may face in ordering these printed treasures. The ebooks are available for instant purchase and download, and are a great way to preview what is in the print copies. Corona-19 is at the root of these delays, so pray this dilemma will soon be behind us and life will return to normal.

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