May your Christmas be blessed in every way.
Last year I wrote a series of posts about the first Christmas on my blog, Bible Bites 4 Teens. Perhaps these short readings will help you to focus on the true meaning of Christmas today. You may click on the links below to read these posts.
- Messiah… anticipating Advent
- Gabriel visits Zachariah
- Gabriel visits Mary
- Mary visits Elizabeth
- Mary returns to NazarethJoseph’s dream
- Mary & Joseph travel to Bethlehem
- No room in the inn
- Birth of the Christ Child
- Angel Appears to Shepherds; Shepherds Find Baby Jesus
- Wise men discover Star
- Baby Jesus circumcised – prophets recognize him as the Messiah
- Wise men and King Herod
- Wise men present gifts to Christ Child and return home a different way
- Angel warns Joseph in a dream; Holy Family flees to Egypt

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