Elijah, God’s Mighty Prophet
A Faith Based I Can Read! Book by Zonderkidz
Paperback 32 pages
Language: English
ISBN 13: 978-0-310-75081-9
List price: $3.99
Reviewed By: Janice D. Green
Elijah, God’s Mighty Prophet re-tells the biblical account of Elijah’s confrontation with Ahab, one of the Kings of Israel who led the people astray by worshiping Baal. This account includes Elijah’s announcement of no more rain in Israel and the famine that followed. God provides for Elijah through ravens that brought him food where he stayed by a small stream. It also includes the widow lady with a young son whose oil and flour didn’t run out while Elijah stayed with them. King Ahab agrees to have a showdown between the real God and the god called Baal. They build two altars in turn – first to Baal and then to God. The Baal worshipers put their bull on their altar with firewood and called on Baal to light their fire but he did not. Then Elijah had his altar built to God and placed his bull and firewood on the altar. He had the people drench it with water. Then he called on God to send fire down on the altar. God sent fire that burned not only the water soaked wood and the bull, but it burned up the stone altar and burned up all the water. The people agreed with Elijah that his God was the true God.
This book is written simply enough for a beginning reader to be able to read it for himself. The story line stays true to the Bible and includes excellent background so the young reader will understand not only the events that took place but also the concepts of trusting God and worshiping him alone. At the end of the book the concept of prophet is given special attention so the child will better understand who Elijah was.
What do I like best about this book? The accuracy of the story and the excellent balance in explaining concepts while maintaining the enthusiasm in the story is impressive.
What do I dislike about this book? Nothing. My only question is why the altar appears to be squared off. My understanding has been that the stones were not to have been cut when making an altar to God in Bible times. But this is a pretty remote issue in a children’s book – nothing to get uptight over.
I give this book five smileys out of five.
I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLookBloggers.com book review program, which requires an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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