In the hope of becoming more focused on my writing, I am putting a hold on my self-publishing. This will allow me to let go of some of the many hats I’ve had to wear, and let me concentrate on writing more and better manuscripts which I intend to submit to traditional publishers. I anticipate having to wade through rejection slips and letters, but hope in the long run it will pay off with more and better books.
I went to a writing workshop at the Highlights Foundation in Honesdale, Pennsylvania two weeks ago, and it increased my determination to go this route. In addition, it has given me many “tools” to help me along so that I might become a more professional writer.
I will probably blog less on Honeycomb Adventures, though something may inspire me to write more from time to time. The original purpose of this blog was to build platform and to market my books. It may again serve that purpose, but I’m hopeful it will be for traditionally published books.

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