Are our children (grandchildren) getting it when it comes to salvation, love for Christ Jesus, and love for his Word? Who is teaching them?
Are we team-teachers? Do we spend time with our children/grandchildren talking about their faith, or do we leave all of that up to their Sunday school teacher or youth leader?
Timothy’s mother’s name was Lois and his grandmother was Eunice. Their names are found in 2 Timothy 1:5, and they serve as eternal examples for us to follow.
Do our children have a solid foundation for their faith? If we don’t become involved in their instruction if we won’t know what they are learning. Sometimes Sunday school classes turn into entertainment sessions and babysitting services. It can be risky to count on that alone to teach our children.
A child’s Christian faith is caught as much as taught. If our children/grandchildren see us actively reading the Bible and searching the Scriptures for guidance, they are likely to do the same when they face challenges. If they hear us share our faith with a neighbor or friend, they will become empowered to share their own faith as well.
Establishing a regular time for family devotions is a great way to be truly intentional about getting involved in our children’s spiritual growth. There are several family devotions books available on the market today for children of varying ages. I have reviewed a few on this blog – they can be found by clicking on the subject heading Library – Books and Videos. This list is by no means exhaustive as there are many I haven’t reviewed. I encourage families with children at home to make family devotions a regular practice.
Photo credit: © Diomedes66 | Stock Free Images &Dreamstime Stock Photos

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