As Joseph wrestled through the night
Thinking of what he should do
An angel told him in a dream
That God would see them through.
“Don’t be afraid to marry her,
This child is God’s own son.
You must name him Jesus
And raise him as your own.”
Read this account for yourself in Matthew 1:20-25
Even though Joseph had decided to quietly divorce Mary, God intervened by sending an angel to him in a dream. Can you see the amount of respect Joseph had for Mary, and even more so for God, as he worked through this dilemma? By all human logic he would have been justified to have put her to death. Now God asks him to stand beside her in spite of all the naysayers who would never accept their story. Joseph is obedient to God and takes Mary as his wife.
Has God ever asked you to do something that would give others reason to point fingers and talk about you behind your back? Even though you knew you were doing the right thing, your motives and intentions would be questioned by others. We must never wary of following God’s lead, wherever it takes us, and leave it to him to see us through the difficulties.
This devotional message corresponds to the sixth mini-story in The First Christmas by Janice D. Green. The First Christmas is available here.

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