Who was there that sacred night
When Jesus Christ was born?
Who heard the baby’s tiny cry
Or comforted Mary’s moans?
Did animals know that God was there?
Or did they wonder why
A baby slept upon their hay
With mother and father nearby?
Read this account for yourself in Luke 2:6-7
The glory of the moment is that God came to earth to live with man. Jesus gave up his home in glory to become one of us, to walk in our shoes, to experience what we experience – beginning in the most meager of circumstances. Did Mary cuddle and snuggle with baby Jesus? Surely she did. But what if the awesomeness of the moment crept in and she realized she was holding God himself? Any new mother feels the awkwardness of the moment holding her firstborn infant child. What kind of emotions must have swept over both Mary and Joseph as they held the infant God?
This devotional message corresponds to the ninth mini-story in The First Christmas by Janice D. Green. The First Christmas is available here.

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