My blog posts are traditionally written with the hope that parents and grandparents will read them and be encouraged in one way or another to be advocates for the well-being of the children God has entrusted to them. But every now and then I choose to write about my walk as a writer. Today’s post is about the only writing conference I know, that like parents and grandparents who care about children, puts its total emphasis on training writers to reach children and youth with the message of Christ Jesus.
There are Christian writing conferences all over the country and across the calendar that embrace Christian writing, and they are wonderful. And there are conferences for writing for children held all over the country and around the calendar, and these offer valuable insights to writing for children. But to this writer’s knowledge, the Write2Ignite! Conferences alone focuses on writing for Children with an emphasis on Christian teaching and values. Nested at North Greenville University, near upstate Greenville, South Carolina, Write2Ignite! is a refreshing change, as in both the general Christian writing conferences and the children’s writing conferences, I have felt myself to be a Christian children’s writer in the minority.
So I find myself looking forward to the Write2Ignite! Conferences every year. This year is no exception. There are many established authors, illustrators, publishers, editors, and agents who will be making presentations as well as meeting one-on-one with the attendees. It is always a tough decision to choose which sessions to attend and whom to schedule appointments with as the choices are all excellent.
This year Bill Reeves will be one of two keynote speakers. Bill, who is very approachable and candid, brings years of experience in the publishing industry with Nelson Publishing and with Veggie Tales.
Torry Martin, the other keynote speaker, is new to Write2Ignite this year. Torry is an actor, screenwriter, comedian, and author with credentials in high places including Adventures in Oddesy and Clubhouse. Reading his profile on the Write2Ignite! website makes me eager to meet him and to hear what he will share with us about reaching today’s generation of children.
I could write more about the great people who will be presenting, but you can read it for yourself on the Write2Ignite! website. This link will take you to the authors, editors, and agents who are coming to the conference.
The Write2Ignite! 2014 Conference is one of the most affordable conferences available to authors. And for those who struggle to make ends meet, there are a limited number of scholarships available. Apply early if you are interested in one.
If you or someone you know is interested in writing for children, please let them know about the Write2Ignite! 2014 Conference by sharing this link with them:

I would love to come, just not sure if I can. Sounds like just what I need for my writing goals.
I’ll pray that you can work it out to come. Would love to see you there!
Thanks, Janice. This is a great post.
I’ll see you at Write2Ignite! 2014.
Looking forward to it, Jean!