When your children or grandchildren think of Easter, what is the first thing that comes into their minds? Is it Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs, or is it the sacrifice our Savior Jesus Christ made for us on the cross and how he rose again from the dead so we might live?
There is no shortage of Happy Easter activities and supplies for celebrating the secular version of Easter. With a little searching, however, one can discover many good ideas for reinforcing the true message of Easter as well. I made a quick search on Pinterest to look for ideas I might share and found several.
Here are two simple ones:
Make an edible Crown of Thorns with pretzel sticks and melted chocolate chips. The directions can be found here.
Make Resurrection Rolls with crescent rolls, marshmallows, butter, cinnamon, and sugar. The directions can be found here. The dough is wrapped around marshmallows. When they are baked, the marshmallows melt leaving the roll empty – like the empty tomb.
There are other resources available for reinforcing the true meaning of Easter. Many Christian bookstores sell a carton of Resurrection Eggs with simple reminders of the events that happened leading up to Easter. Bible storybooks and coloring books are also available to reinforce the Easter message. Feel free to check out my Pinterest board, “Easter Activities” for more ideas.
Enjoy celebrating Easter with your children in whatever way you choose, but take intentional steps to be sure they know the real Easter story.

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