On the third day God spoke commanding the waters below the sky to gather in one place and he called up the dry ground. He then created the plants with fruits and seeds. Read Genesis 1:9-13. This link will allow you to pick your translations. Read it in more than one translation for fuller understanding.
The earth began to take shape on the third day as God brought the waters below the sky together and produced dry ground. He named the waters the sea, and he named the ground land or earth depending on the translation you read.
Now that God had created all the required elements needed for them to survive (water, light, air, and soil), he created plants that would bear fruit and seeds.
God’s plan was very specific. Seeds were designed so that they produced new plants of the same kind as the parent. You would not expect to plant bean seeds and have corn plants grow from them.
The chlorine in plants made it possible for them to create food from light, water, soil, and air. These plants, their fruits and seeds would become food for animals and people to eat.
Look for activities to go with Day 3 of creation on this link.
The Creation, a Bible storybook for children by Janice D. Green

God is a genius, and his creation is a work of art.
So very true!