I have a leather key chain fob with the letters WWJD stamped on it. Many children wear WWJD bracelets as reminders to stop and ask themselves the question, “What Would Jesus Do?” before making everyday decisions they face.
I like to see children wear the bracelets and to know that they care about pleasing Jesus. But sometimes I want to ask them, “How do you know what Jesus would do?”
Who exactly is Jesus? What are his teachings? Other than just being “good,” what does Jesus expect?
The New Testament is full of teachings about giving of oneself to the point of sacrifice. Do we know this Jesus? Do we know the Jesus who was willing to suffer and die for the sake of saving sinners like you and me? Are we wiilling to suffer for Jesus?
It is easy to wear a bracelet or a cross to show the world we love Jesus – at least it is in most places in the USA. It is easy to praise God when he blesses us with health and posessions. But when things don’t go well, when disaster strikes or when evil gets an upper hand at our expense, do we really know what Jesus would do in our situation?
Before we can know what Jesus would do, we have to know Jesus. For us to know Jesus we have to spend time with him – time reading the Bible and time talking with him in prayer. Only when we understand who he is will we be able to truly walk in his footsteps.
Lord, help me to seek you with all my heart. Your Word promises that if we seek you we will find you if we seek with all our hearts. Please put that passion in my heart so that I may find you and truly know you. Then it will be easier to know what you would do if you were in my situation. I want to please and serve you with my life.

You gave us some serious food for thought, Janice. It’s true. It’s not wearing a WWJD bracelet that shows the strength of our commitment. It’s living in Fellowship with Him so that we can know what Jesus would do in our situation. Great post.
Thanks, Patty.