How would you like to be greeted to your new office by one of these critters? I moved into my office only two days ago. I think maybe she heard about the spider I posted a few days ago and was jealous.
After taking the picture from the outside, I went inside through another door so I could take a picture from the inside. Wow! Did I get a good shot or what?!!
The common name for this spider is a Garden Spider. Its scientific name is Argiope aurantia. She is great at catching flies and mosquitoes in her web, so I’ll not hurt her; though I do believe I will move her to another location so I can use my doorway again. Her venom isn’t serious, and she is more likely to run away from me than towards me, but I’d still rather not test this out.

I didn’t have to remove the spider. When I opened the door this morning she and her web were gone. I suspect she took it down herself. She may have lain her egg sac and then died, just like Charlotte in Charlotte’s Web.
That happened to a very large black and yellow spider like this I caught in a jar and carried to school when I was in the 5th grade. She was huge the day I took her to school. The next day she was very small and had made an egg sac. Then, like Charlotte, she died.