I noticed this spider spinning a web as I walked around the house with my dog Missy this evening. The sun was going down. I suspected it might be one of the spiders that makes its web every evening and takes it down every morning. After posting this picture on Facebook I received some helpful information from my FB friends that helped me to identify the spider as well as to confirm my suspicions that it might take its web down in the morning.
This appears to be an Orb weaver spider (Neoscona crucifera). It is a great mosquito catcher so unless you are inclined to walk around after dark and you dread walking into the web, it should be very useful to have around.
Here are two websites I found with the help of my FB friends that are very helpful for identifying spiders. http://www.termite.com/spider-identification.html and http://www.dpughphoto.com/spiders.htm#neosconacrucifera
I recommend taking a spider walk with your child to look for the various kinds of spiders that are around your yard. Talk about the important work they do to keep down mosquitoes and flies. Use the web pages above to show them what the poisonous spiders look like so they will be able to recognize them should they happen to see one. If you find one of the Orb-weaving spiders (and there are many kinds) observe it over a few days. Does it take its web down in the morning and put it up at night? I’m going to be watching mine to see if it does.

I believe my spider took down her web and moved on, as I haven’t seen her again after the evening I took this picture.
I’ve been watching another similar spider the past few days. I believe it is bigger and fuzzier than this one, but can’t be sure. It is too hard to get a good picture after dark because the flash washes it out. We don’t see it in the day time.