As I read the posts of so many of my Facebook friends I keep seeing “first day of school” or “first day of college” again and again. How exciting it is when we go through a new door – exciting and apprehensive at the same time. Will I make new friends? Will people like me? Will I be able to keep up with all my classes? Yet the excitement and anticipation of the moment keep us optimistic as we move forward.
I too am going through a new door. My copies of The Creation are scheduled to arrive at my doorstep tomorrow. I’ve never tried to seriously market a book before, though I have written a few with and for my family. This time, the intent is to sell as many copies as I can. I have 700 copies being delivered to me and 1500 copies to STL Distribution for marketing in the Christian and general bookstores. Questions abound: Will I be able to sell all these copies? Will people invite me to speak at their women’s groups, churches, and schools? Will I have problems trying to market this book and getting another book ready to publish at the same time?
I find if I dwell on these questions too much I only make myself unproductive. But if I keep my eyes on Jesus, he will keep me strong and enable me to do the tasks ahead of me. I am reminded of the scripture, that says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) It also helps to recall the many blessings along the way that got me to this point – all evidences of his hand on me and this project. First-day students can also think of the stepping stones that got them to this point in their lives and take courage that the same God who brought them to this point is able to help them to reach the finish line.
This song has been a great encouragement to me whenever I feel apprehensive. Enjoy this YouTube presentation of it: He Didn’t Bring Us This Far to Leave Us.
Heavenly Father who watches over me, help me to relax in your strength. Guide me in the days ahead so that I can be productive for your sake. Be with your children of all ages who are entering new phases in their lives – school, college, or employment – and enable them to see your hand guiding them along the way. Help them (and me) to stay close to you and walk in the strength that only you can provide.
The Creation, a Bible storybook for children by Janice D. Green

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