Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Click on this link to read the passage. You may select your preferred version of the Bible after the link opens.
Young David was knowingly overlooked by his father, Jesse, as he rounded up his sons to come to the sacrifice Samuel had prepared. Samuel had come to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the next king of Israel. Samuel was perplexed that God had not chosen one of these fine young sons. But God told Samuel that he does not look at people in the same way we do. Instead, God looks at the heart.
Jesse then admitted that he had in fact one more son and called for him to come to Samuel. Jessie had brought his valued sons but left the youngest to spend the day as he did every day to guard the flock of dirty noisy sheep. When David was brought to Samuel, God told Samuel this was the one he had chosen to be king.
We all know the outcome of this story. Though it was many years before David actually became king, he was often referred to as the man after God’s own heart.
What is your heart condition? What does God see when he looks into your heart? He can see what no one else can see. He knows the secret thoughts that you won’t share with your most intimate friends.
And he knows how you think of him – how often, how deeply, and for what motives. He knows whether you are seeking to know him better or if you only seek him when you want physical blessings to make your life easier. He knows if you truly want to learn what pleases him or whether you want to pick and choose what to believe as if you would instruct him on how he should have written the Scriptures.
If reading this causes you concern over a personal heart problem, the prescription is to spend more time in the Bible and in prayer. I find a heart of gratitude is the best defense against heart problems. So if you are weak in that area you might begin by reading the book of John or the Easter week passages in the other three gospels.
God has given us a promise that I value very highly: If you seek me you will find me if you seek with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13) Click here for a beautiful choir rendition of this verse.
Father God, teach us to seek you with all our hearts. Teach us what it means to truly put you first. Enable us to make that the first priority in our lives. It is so hard to shut off the world and quiet our hearts when we seek you. Thank you that you are on our side, ready to help us if we are only willing to give you that chance.

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