If this video doesn’t put you in the spirit of praising God…
I know a few people who have problems believing in a God who can’t be proven through scientific evidence. But they must acknowledge that God can’t be disproved through scientific evidence either. For anyone to say there is no God, they must be able to claim they have visited and exhausted every detail of matter and information that has ever existed.
Read Psalm 8. The world literally shouts with evidence of its Creator through its endless design and beauty. How could any thinking person truly believe that this just happened as if by accident? Accidents turn beauty into ugliness, not the reverse.
What is it that non-believers are afraid to let go of? Do they think they will be thought of as less intelligent if they acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being? Do they fear God’s authority over them? Do they feel that by denying God’s existence they are exercising some kind of control over God?
Father God, your creation shouts your name from the highest mountain peak to the farthest star to the tiniest grain of pollen as seen through a microscope. Your love shouts to us from a blood stained cross and through the compassion of people you send to us. Your power shouts from the Grand Canyon which you carved with water, to the most powerful hurricane or volcano, or to a gentle breeze to cool us on a hot day. And it whispers to us from an empty tomb. But you never force us to believe – you only supply all the evidence we need and leave it up to us to choose. I pray for the hearts of those who are still resisting that they will be willing to see you as you truly are and come to love and worship you.
by Janice D. Green, author of The Creation and The First Christmas.

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