A Lament for the Siblings of My “Only” Child
© 2004 by Janice Green
So perfect,
So right,
Such a Joy,
Would soon be big sister
To a girl or boy.
Grew too slow
And then was no more.
Then resentment sore
Tore at my heartstrings
As time went on.
Karen seemed right.
She tumbled and grew
And stretched out my womb.
I felt life and promise
That someday soon
A brother or sister would share
Joni’s room.
But the movement stopped
And hope turned to pain
Home from the hospital
Empty again.
A lifeless baby girl
Was left behind.
Her father said she looked like Joni.
Shannon was a whisper
A mere spark of hope
Snuffed out within hours.
A tiny thread
In a bubble-like sac
I held in the palm of my hand.
Why, I screamed!
No answer came.
Their lives were minutes
Their eyes ne’er saw light
No air filled their lungs
So they could cry.
Did they know they were loved?
I wonder bitterly
While some choose death
So selfishly.
New life has a price
Some un-willing to pay
They cast off their young
And go their own way
Not suspecting the pain
That will never leave
Or their burden of guilt
As forever they grieve.
Did they know they were loved?

Was it a personal experience?
Yes, though I didn’t think to name the children I lost until many years later, a few weeks or months before I wrote this poem.