I’ve been encouraged by several posts I read on Facebook recently from people who are applying the principle of rejoicing in their sufferings. It goes against the grain of our human nature doesn’t it? It is so much easier to ask “Why me” and to get angry over our losses.
People are hurting all over the US from tornadoes and flooding. I’ve been blessed to witness the recent disasters only on my computer screen (I don’t watch TV) and not in my family, though my daughter had a close brush with losing her home to fire. We who have escaped the tragedies need to find ways to reach out to them with assistance.
This morning I was reading Romans 5 and came across the scripture that encourages us to rejoice in our sufferings. (Click here to read Romans 5:1-3. Choose your own translation.) If we have faith to believe that God made us, and that he loves us and forgives our sins, then we can trust him with our sufferings and struggles. God uses these difficulties to produce perseverance, character, and hope in our lives. Through it we are better prepared for service to others in this life, and our rewards in heaven will be all the more glorious.
When I go through tough times, financial, emotional, sickness, or ________ (fill in the blank) my prayer is always “God, please don’t let this suffering be wasted. Help me to grow through it to prepare myself for better service in Your Kingdom.” I suppose my prayer has still been a little short of rejoicing in my suffering.
When I need help in rejoicing I look to Christian songs and choruses. I dealt with some negative feelings recently by singing as I worked. And it helped to lift my spirits.

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