Your best chance at pulling off an April Fools trick is early in the morning. (I’ve already missed out on that… I should have written this yesterday.) If it isn’t too late for you already, try putting food coloring in your children’s breakfast food – green eggs and ham or purple milk… Maybe you could roll up socks and put them in the toes of their shoes.
The best part of pulling this off is that you can give your kids a heads up for the day before they go to school. Share a few tricks you’ve pulled in the past that they might pull on one of their friends. Take a moment too to encourage them to keep their April Fools tricks from getting out of hand and causing problems in the classroom.
So if you’ve already missed your opportunity to start off the day with April Fools tricks before school, don’t miss your second opportunity to have some one-on-one time with your kids when they get home. Be sure to ask them if they got fooled by anyone today. Share in the fun.
Oh yeah, there is one more trick you can pull while they are still at school. Try slip-sheeting their beds. If you’ve never done this, it’s not too hard to do. Strip the bed and put the bottom sheet on as usual. Then take the top sheet and put it on the bed as if the head of the bed is the foot. Then pull the top of the sheet back to the head and lay it flat to look like it does normally. Then cover up your mischief with the rest of the blankets. When your child jumps into bed tonight there will be no place for his/her feet to go! Even more fun, come up with a bogus excuse to send them to bed early – punishment for a minor infraction or something. Then, after they discover the slip sheets let them stay up late tonight – after all, tomorrow is Saturday.
Have fun with April Fools today.
PS… I must add a photo my friend Whitney Williams posted on Facebook after April Fools Day. What a clever idea!

LOL! I wish I had thought of that this morning. Cute post! Happy April Fools day!
Thanks Christy. I wish I had thought to write it yesterday to prime the parents before their kids got up. Next year…